1. 文件内搜索可以用 rgrep lgrep
2. dired mode 搜索文件可以用 find-dired, 很强大 但需要自己写参数
The most general command in this series is M-x find-dired, which lets you specify any condition that find can test. It takes two minibuffer arguments, directory and find-args; it runs find in directory, passing find-args to tell find what condition to test. To use this command, you need to know how to use find.
3.find-grep 通过 find grep 进行搜索,帮你拼好 常用的命令行,自己添参数
4.find-library mmd 以前还傻乐吧唧的自己找lisp library中的el 文件. 靠一个find-library 要什么来什么 不亦乐乎
rgrep lgrep 比较傻之外 其余都要自己 添写参数. 也便于熟悉一下 find 和 grep 的用法. 免得学了忘 忘了再学的兜圈子